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Serving Aiken, The CSRA & Midlands

Are You Ready For Thanksgiving Dinner?


There is so much work that goes into hosting a Thanksgiving dinner. You want to make sure everything is just right down to the smallest of details. You need to know who to invite, who will actually come, and if you’ll have overnight guests or not. Then there is Thanksgiving menu planning, food shopping and preparation, making or purchasing decorations, and don’t forget cleaning the house and stocking up on all of the extra toiletries you may need, like soap and toilet paper. There is a ton of work that goes into the whole process so that everything will go perfectly for your guests. With all of this effort put in, you do not want to worry about cockroaches ruining the whole thing. Nothing can send guests, and even family, away faster than spotting a cockroach running across the floor while the turkey is out on the table.

You can help keep cockroaches from becoming your unwanted guests this Thanksgiving by following a few of these tips:

  • Get rid of cockroach food sources by storing dry foods in tightly sealed containers or sealed plastic bags.
  • Don’t leave any food or drinks sitting out.
  • Clean up food and drink debris and spills immediately in all areas of your kitchen and pantry.
  • Empty all trash cans regularly and keep outdoor garbage and compost in sealed bins.
  • Don’t leave pet food out for long periods and make sure you rinse out returnables before putting them in recycling bins.
  • Make your home unattractive to roaches by removing old stacked newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes, and other clutter off the floor. Once a few cockroaches find a cozy place to hang out, they leave a pheromone in their droppings that attracts other cockroaches.
  • Stop allowing roaches access to your home by sealing off all entry points. This includes cracks and crevices in foundations and exterior walls, and gaps around wires, pipes, and cables that need to be plugged.

These practices can help, but if you want peace of mind knowing that cockroaches won’t interrupt your Thanksgiving plans, call a pest control company that can eliminate them beforehand, and best of all keep them away for good. If you live in the Central Savannah River Area and Midlands of South Carolina, a year-round plan from Aiken can help you avoid cockroach problems and many other kinds of pests in and around your home. We have home pest control solutions that consist of customized plans designed to keep make property pest-free and to keep it that way. We visit quarterly and your satisfaction is guaranteed, so if you have pest problems in between those visits, we will return at no additional charge.

Call us today or click here for more information, and let Aiken Pest Control give you something to be thankful for, a roach-free home.